This has been on my mind for a while and haven't found somewhere i can vent about it
Here in the UK there are so many big headed c**** on the road who deserve to have their licences cut in two. There are so many things that irritate me on the road.
1. Tailgaters
2. People who speed (60 in a 40 for example)
3. Slow drivers (people who drive at 20 in a 30 or 35 in a 50, please just walk off a cliff please)
4. Fast lane/middle lane hoggers.
That fourth one really bugs me a lot. I'm doing say 70mph in the slow lane and need to overtake, i go to do so but a t*** is doing 60 in the fast lane and with nothing ahead of him. Again please walk over to a cliff and jump
I could name some other problems and yes im not perfect but im a christian motorist compared to some people.
I hope im not the only one who is this annoyed with some of the drivers on the road. It can't just be the UK though.
Edit: I hate lorries too. Please slow down instead of moving over and staying the same speed as the lorry/vehicle next to you. I have also seen a lorry move over and then the other speed up so they are both holding up the vehicles behind.
I am sorry if any one who reads this is a lorry driver but it does get annoying!