Post by shootingstars on Mar 31, 2020 13:32:20 GMT -5
Hey guys. I’m playing with master clubs. Probably been on them for about 1-2 months. I can’t seem to find a consistent technique. Like when I’m hitting straight and perfect perfect I’m finished great in online tourneys but then that same style could mean completely horrible showings. I’ve tried thumb, double thumb, random other techniques, etc. I’m on the driving range all the time. I try sitting all kinds of way to hold the controller different. It sucks because my putting is generally good but that doesn’t help if you can’t get to the greens or make a good drive. Tgc 2019 is the one first one I played so I understand many been playing for awhile and have it down pat but it annoying when you feel like you are so close to playing consistent great games and it just isn’t there.
PS4 for note
Post by Riotous on Mar 31, 2020 17:41:07 GMT -5
Hey guys. I’m playing with master clubs. Probably been on them for about 1-2 months. I can’t seem to find a consistent technique. Like when I’m hitting straight and perfect perfect I’m finished great in online tourneys but then that same style could mean completely horrible showings. I’ve tried thumb, double thumb, random other techniques, etc. I’m on the driving range all the time. I try sitting all kinds of way to hold the controller different. It sucks because my putting is generally good but that doesn’t help if you can’t get to the greens or make a good drive. Tgc 2019 is the one first one I played so I understand many been playing for awhile and have it down pat but it annoying when you feel like you are so close to playing consistent great games and it just isn’t there. PS4 for note I'm only very average at this game but that's for a whole number of reasons rather than just one. Having a consistent swing line in my opinion is the hardest skill in the game, so have you got all the easier skills maxed out ? - Do you know all your landing distances AND roll out lengths? - Do you know the above into/against all winds ? - Can you hit landing zones in cross winds? - Are you reading greens well, so the ball will roll to the hole or better still finish on a part of the green that leaves you the easiest possible line to the hole? - Do you give yourself a margin for error? The list goes on and on I hold the stick between finger and thumb, then push the stick back with my finger and forward with my thumb (this feels like a golf swing to me!), i take a few practice swings, adjusting the position of my thumb or finger "round the clock" until i hit it straight. I then hit my actual shot and sometimes (rarely) its straight, more often than not i have a slight fade, which is the same as my IRL swing!!
Post by ezzinomilonga on Apr 3, 2020 15:50:08 GMT -5
If you play golf games by some year and you are used to play using just your thumb, with a "normal" swing, my advice is to don't switch to other movements. A not natural swing technic probably eill not work under pressure. Is a matter of habits and being confortable. So.. Just work on a grabbing position comfortable for you and keep it in a very, very firm way, to avoid that little movements can ruin your swing. And never change it until yiu din't master it. Always the same. To obtain it, start just looking what is the position that allows you to obtain a straight line most of the times. Then, after you find it and practiced on it, until you obtain 7-8 times on 10 a straight line, start to work on the correct tempo. In this order. If you find these 2 things, all the rest will follow. Furthermore, other advice, try at leasta couple of times a grab position that allows you to watch at least the start of your backswing on your controller. I refused to do it for months, but i must admit it helps a lot to have the backswing in the centre of your pad. Then, if your grabbing position allowas you a correct backswing, easily the straight line also on the downswing will follow. About tempo, i din't know how to help, honestly. I go following my feeling..and often is quite good. On pc the PS4 controllers are a bit more sensitive than on ps4, but i find is playable. I'm a bass player, to find and to keep tempo is almost natural for me, so i can't say any trick or valid advice on it. As a final advice..i don't know how it works for you, but the grab position i use from tee to green, doesn't work well enough on putt. I also can't look my controller while i putt, cause i need to see the avatar, to find the correct strenght. So i have 2 different grab positions. Good luck.