Here's the code: Perhaps it's becuase something is down? It would work but it's not generating any OSM image, so I get trees and ground height that look like they could be right...with no golf holes. That is maybe the 5th or so EPSG code I have tried, could just be because it's still the wrong code?
Processing: USGS_LPC_DE_DelawareValley_HD_2015_18TWK525464_LAS_2017.laz may be down, using backup for force_epsg
Overwriting projection with EPSG:6527
Unit in use is 0.3048006096014747
Proj4 : pyproj.Proj('+units=m +init=epsg:6527 ', preserve_units=True)
Processing: USGS_LPC_DE_DelawareValley_HD_2015_18TWK525465_LAS_2017.laz may be down, using backup for force_epsg
Overwriting projection with EPSG:6527
Unit in use is 0.3048006096014747
Proj4 : pyproj.Proj('+units=m +init=epsg:6527 ', preserve_units=True)
Processing: USGS_LPC_DE_DelawareValley_HD_2015_18TWK526464_LAS_2017.laz may be down, using backup for force_epsg
Overwriting projection with EPSG:6527
Unit in use is 0.3048006096014747
Proj4 : pyproj.Proj('+units=m +init=epsg:6527 ', preserve_units=True)
Processing: USGS_LPC_DE_DelawareValley_HD_2015_18TWK526465_LAS_2017.laz may be down, using backup for force_epsg
Overwriting projection with EPSG:6527
Unit in use is 0.3048006096014747
Proj4 : pyproj.Proj('+units=m +init=epsg:6527 ', preserve_units=True)
Generating lidar intensity image
Adding golf features to lidar data
OpenStreetMap Overpass query: (node(51.07793646633049,-74.35697631919689,51.086173333317674,-74.343952387715);way(51.07793646633049,-74.35697631919689,51.086173333317674,-74.343952387715)
Mapquest Image URL Request:¢er=51.08205508215611,-74.3504637752671&type=hyb&zoom=17&size=1500,1500