A fictional course set on an island recently developed by a Banana Baron on a Latin island somewhere. The course get's it's name from the high difficulty level and the distribution of par 3,4 and 5's (6,6,6).
Enjoy this wicked non-traditional course if you can. Please excuse or give feedback on any incorrect use of Spanish. I speak it fairly fluently as a second language but would welcome any typo or corrections a native speaker may find relevant. Gracias!
Hole 1 - Parece Facile (Looks Easy)
Hole 2 - Monstruo de Tres Ojos (Three-eyed Monster)
Hole 3 - A la Luz (Into the Light)
Hole 4 - Lejos de la Luz (Away from the Light)
Hole 5 - Bebedero (Watering Hole)
Hole 6 - A la Izquierda (To the Left)
Hole 7 - Atrapado en el Medio (Caught in the Middle)
Hole 8 - Besarme Suavamente (Kiss Me Softly)
Hole 9 - Agujero del Diablo (Devil's Hole)
Hole 10 - Pozo Demonio (Pit Fiend)
Hole 11 - Vista al Mar (Seaview)
Hole 12 - Escoger su Veneno (Pick your Poison)
Hole 13 - El Largo y El Corto (The Long and The Short)
Hole 14 - El Cuenco (The Bowl)
Hole 15 - Lo Mismo (The Same)
Hole 16 - Hablar con la Mano (Talk to the Hand)
Hole 17 - Suerte del Diablo (Devil's Luck)
Hole 18 - Las Dunas (The Dunes)
What's your music theme? Highway to Hell?