Season 62 Event 1 is setup and starts on Sunday 26th May. There is also a warm-up event currently live that is 4 rounds on a short 9 hole course. I will schedule the rest of the season as time permits.
The entry fee for each event remains at HB$100.
longpole Adcock has joined, while Christian Lieb and Alan Stanley have left. These are the only changes from Season 61, however I am expecting a lot of DNFs in Div C.
I fully understand the frustrations and/or tiredness many of you have with the game. Thank you for persevering with this society.
Here is the link to the full spreadsheet for Season 62:
S62 - Scores, Matches, Tables & KO Cup
The League:
Here are all the fixtures for Event 1. This event also includes the Round of 32 in the KO Cup.
Please remember in Div C that if your fixture is against a "DNF" player, you must finish to earn the three points.
S62-E1 @ Marigot Trails, St. Lucia by arcticfury (Sun 26th May - Sat 1st Jun inc.) - 2 rounds
Event #|Match#|Player Code|GT|Name|Forum Tag|Region
E1|M1|A1|Giraffe72|Jamie Gale|
Giraffe72 |RoW *
E1|M1|A5|SpokenTerror835|Ron Boyes|
spokenterror835 |USA *
E1|M2|A2|Owen Ayy|Mike Buchanan|
owenayy |USA
E1|M2|A6|moneyman273|Jason Conrad|
moneyman273 |USA
E1|M3|A3|AsYouDo64|Ross Nixon|
asyoudo64 |RoW
E1|M3|A7|F57Andromeda|Vince Longden|
F57Andromeda |RoW
E1|M4|A4|r0nrun|Ronny Akesson|
r0nrun |RoW *
E1|M4|A8|OldManGaming606|Alan Taylor|
OldManGaming606 |USA *
E1|M5|B1|Coggin66|Ken Wise|
coggin66 |RoW
E1|M5|B5|XcL Gizman|Graham Williams|
xclgizman08 |RoW
E1|M6|B2|ArrangedPizza93|Andrew Johnston|
ArrangedPizza93 |RoW
E1|M6|B6|S1ayer 0ne|Davie Hughes|
davieboy321 |RoW
E1|M7|B3|MDH Rem|Leslie Sangster|
lessangster |RoW
E1|M7|B7|MagneticPanda31|Rick Green|
MagneticPanda31 |RoW
E1|M8|B4|RHMIII|Randy Mears|
E1|M8|B8|Daveyboy327|David Giurlanda|
davidgiurlanda |USA
E1|M9|C1|ICEMAN STEAMER|Andrew Hobson|
steamerandy64 |RoW
E1|M9|C5|Wizzfox|Steve Embleton|
wizzfox |RoW
E1|M10|C2|joncfc1967|Jon Fallis|
joncfc1967 |RoW
E1|M10|C6|BestwoodRoadie|Malc Voce|
BestwoodRoadie |RoW
E1|M11|C3|jsch333|John Schultz|
jsch333 |USA *
E1|M11|C7|MR LONGPOLEx|Neil Adcock|
longpole |RoW *
E1|M12|C4|KITBO57|Andy Kitson|
kitbo |RoW
* These three matches are eligible for the Team USA vs Team RoW cup.
The KO Cup
It is Round of 32 time in the KO Cup. Halved matches will go to a replay match in Event 2. Here is the full draw that Lady Luck (aka has given us. Iβm not sure what Iβve done to offend her, but she has drawn me against Jamie.
Please remember that a DNF opponent in the KO Cup is a Bye to the next round, and there are 9 of these and only 7 actual matches.
S62-E1 @ Marigot Trails, St. Lucia (Sun 26th May - Sat 1st Jun inc.) - 2 rounds - THE ROUND OF 32
Event|Match#|Source Match#|Player Code|GT|Name|Forum Tag
E1|M1||B8|Daveyboy327|David Giurlanda|
davidgiurlanda E1|M2||C4|KITBO57|Andy Kitson|
kitbo E1|M2||D1|DNF|
E1|M3||C1|ICEMAN STEAMER|Andrew Hobson|
steamerandy64 E1|M4||A6|moneyman273|Jason Conrad|
moneyman273 E1|M4||A7|F57Andromeda|Vince Longden|
F57Andromeda E1|M5||A4|r0nrun|Ronny Akesson|
r0nrun E1|M5||B3|MDH Rem|Leslie Sangster|
lessangster E1|M6||C3|jsch333|John Schultz|
jsch333 E1|M6||D5|DNF|
E1|M7||A2|Owen Ayy|Mike Buchanan|
owenayy E1|M8||A8|OldManGaming606|Alan Taylor|
OldManGaming606 E1|M8||B2|ArrangedPizza93|Andrew Johnston|
ArrangedPizza93 E1|M9||C2|joncfc1967|Jon Fallis|
joncfc1967 E1|M9||C7|MR LONGPOLEx|Neil Adcock|
longpole E1|M10||C6|BestwoodRoadie|Malc Voce|
BestwoodRoadie E1|M10||D3|DNF|
E1|M11||B5|XcL Gizman|Graham Williams|
xclgizman08 E1|M12||B6|S1ayer 0ne|Davie Hughes|
davieboy321 E1|M12||C5|Wizzfox|Steve Embleton|
wizzfox E1|M13||A3|AsYouDo64|Ross Nixon|
asyoudo64 E1|M13||B4|RHMIII|Randy Mears|
RHMIII E1|M14||B7|MagneticPanda31|Rick Green|
MagneticPanda31 E1|M14||D7|DNF|
E1|M15||A5|SpokenTerror835|Ron Boyes|
spokenterror835 E1|M16||A1|Giraffe72|Jamie Gale|
Giraffe72 E1|M16||B1|Coggin66|Ken Wise|
coggin66 Enjoy!