We are all set to go in less than 24 hours on Friday 29th. The new spreadsheet can be found here:
S35 - Scores, Matches, Tables & KO CupHere are all the matches in Event 1:
S35 - E1 @ Old Faroe Dunes by SindreRev (Fri 29th May- Sun 31st May)
Main League
Event|Match#|Player Code|GT|Name|Forum Tag|Region
E1|M1|A1|SpokenTerror835|Ron Boyes|
spokenterror835 |USA
E1|M1|A5|NorthOaken61|Thomas Rohleder|
northoaken61 |USA
E1|M2|A2|GAAADAMMIT|Kevin Linnane|
gaaadammit |RoW *
E1|M2|A6|Owen Ayy|Mike Buchanan|
owenayy |USA *
E1|M3|A3|xEB50x|Robert Stogner|
xEB50x |USA *
E1|M3|A7|Coggin66|Ken Wise|
coggin66 |RoW *
E1|M4|A4|WheezingNoonan|Phil Noonan|
fsu831 |USA
E1|M4|A8|RHMIII|Randy Mears|
E1|M5|B1|AsYouDo64|Ross Nixon|
asyoudo64 |RoW *
E1|M5|B5|cyphercatz|Jon Van Niel|
cyphercat |USA *
E1|M6|B2|MagneticPanda31|Rick Green|
MagneticPanda31 |RoW
E1|M6|B6|Stokie1947|Alan Stanley|
stokie1947 |RoW
E1|M7|B3|Koopdaville68|Jason Koop|
Koop |USA *
E1|M7|B7|ICEMAN STEAMER|Andrew Hobson|
steamerandy64 |RoW *
E1|M8|B4|r0nrun|Ronny Akesson|
r0nrun |RoW
E1|M8|B8|joncfc1967|Jon Fallis|
joncfc1967 |RoW
E1|M9|C1|KITBO57|Andy Kitson|
kitbo |RoW *
E1|M9|C5|LasChanceHombre|Kerry Hurst|
lastchancehombre |USA *
E1|M10|C2|NvGold|John Southall|
nvgold |USA *
E1|M10|C6|RunicStarfish81|Tee Costigan|
runicstarfish |RoW *
E1|M11|C3|PanicAndromeda|Vince Longden|
F57Andromeda |RoW
E1|M11|C7|PowerSlaved|Mark Barrett|
PowerSlaved |RoW
E1|M12|C4|RoadkillRon|Ron Brown|
roadkillron |USA *
E1|M12|C8|Darkbubbs2704|Darren Young|
bubbsboy100. |RoW *
E1|M13|D1|FACR SteelReign|Dan Elgin|
steelereign |USA
E1|M14|D2|no bluff me|Nina Martin|
nobluffme |RoW
E1|M15|D3|Buckeye Heathen|Wayne Garee|
buckeyeheathen |USA
E1|M16|D4|Mn DeadHead6181|Ben Guter|
dover |USA
* These 7 matches are eligible for the Team USA vs Team RoW cup.
Old MMM Side Event
Event|Match#|Player Code|GT|Name|Forum Tag|Region
E1|MX1|X1|xEB50x|Robert Stogner|
xEB50x |USA
E1|MX1|X5|AsYouDo64|Ross Nixon|
asyoudo64 |RoW
E1|MX2|X2|Owen Ayy|Mike Buchanan|
owenayy |USA
E1|MX2|X6|r0nrun|Ronny Akesson|
r0nrun |RoW
E1|MX3|X3|WheezingNoonan|Phil Noonan|
fsu831 |USA
E1|MX3|X7|RoadkillRon|Ron Brown|
roadkillron |USA
E1|MX4|X4|GAAADAMMIT|Kevin Linnane|
gaaadammit |RoW
E1|MX4|X8|Koopdaville68|Jason Koop|
Koop |USA
E1|MY1|Y1|PanicAndromeda|Vince Longden|
F57Andromeda |RoW
E1|MY1|Y5|ICEMAN STEAMER|Andrew Hobson|
steamerandy64 |RoW
E1|MY2|Y2|FACR SteelReign|Dan Elgin|
steelereign |USA
E1|MY2|Y6|no bluff me|Nina Martin|
nobluffme |RoW
E1|MY3|Y3|NvGold|John Southall|
nvgold |USA
E1|MY3|Y7|Stokie1947|Alan Stanley|
stokie1947 |RoW
E1|MY4|Y4|LasChanceHombre|Kerry Hurst|
lastchancehombre |USA
E1|MY4|Y8|Coggin66|Ken Wise|
coggin66 |RoW
It’s A Knock-Out Cup
Below is the draw for the Round of 32. Any halved matches will be replayed in Event 2
E1 @ Old Faroe Dunes (Fri 29th May- Sun 31st May) - THE ROUND OF 32
Event|Match#|Source Match#|Player Code|GT|Name|Forum Tag
E1|M1||D1|FACR SteelReign|Dan Elgin|
steelereign E1|M1||A1|SpokenTerror835|Ron Boyes|
spokenterror835 E1|M2||B6|Stokie1947|Alan Stanley|
stokie1947 E1|M2||D3|Buckeye Heathen|Wayne Garee|
buckeyeheathen E1|M3||C8|Darkbubbs2704|Darren Young|
bubbsboy100. E1|M3||D8|DNF|
E1|M4||A5|NorthOaken61|Thomas Rohleder|
northoaken61 E1|M4||C5|LasChanceHombre|Kerry Hurst|
lastchancehombre E1|M5||C3|PanicAndromeda|Vince Longden|
F57Andromeda E1|M5||B7|ICEMAN STEAMER|Andrew Hobson|
steamerandy64 E1|M6||D4|Mn DeadHead6181|Ben Guter|
dover E1|M6||C4|RoadkillRon|Ron Brown|
roadkillron E1|M7||B3|Koopdaville68|Jason Koop|
Koop E1|M7||D5|DNF|
E1|M8||D2|no bluff me|Nina Martin|
nobluffme E1|M8||A2|GAAADAMMIT|Kevin Linnane|
gaaadammit E1|M9||A4|WheezingNoonan|Phil Noonan|
fsu831 E1|M9||C1|KITBO57|Andy Kitson|
kitbo E1|M10||A6|Owen Ayy|Mike Buchanan|
owenayy E1|M10||B2|MagneticPanda31|Rick Green|
MagneticPanda31 E1|M11||C2|NvGold|John Southall|
nvgold E1|M11||D6|DNF|
E1|M12||B8|joncfc1967|Jon Fallis|
joncfc1967 E1|M12||C6|RunicStarfish81|Tee Costigan|
runicstarfish E1|M13||C7|PowerSlaved|Mark Barrett|
PowerSlaved E1|M13||A7|Coggin66|Ken Wise|
coggin66 E1|M14||B5|cyphercatz|Jon Van Niel|
cyphercat E1|M14||B4|r0nrun|Ronny Akesson|
r0nrun E1|M15||A8|RHMIII|Randy Mears|
E1|M16||A3|xEB50x|Robert Stogner|
xEB50x E1|M16||B1|AsYouDo64|Ross Nixon|