The skills on the skill tree are in horizontal line based on each club.
I am assuming that means the boost that activates, only happens if you are using that club, and the boost only affects that club.
If I am correctly interpreting that, then here is my question #1-
At the point I'm currently at-
Driver has a boost that increases lie range or whatever its called.
Woods have a boost that increases off the tee.
(its the third or fourth row over)
How would that be of any benefit?
I never hit my driver anywhere but from the tee. So how would the lie affect it?
I rarely VERY rarely hit my wood off the tee. So how would a boost from the tee be of benefit?
Question #2
On the putt path, if I am reading it right, if you put all your skills into that path, and max each one out, then you could have it active basically all the time. Is that right? Like the first and second one on the line, to me, it looks like they activate and deactivate opposite each other. So would this make them active all or most of the time, or would they cancel each other out?